
Director Of Pharmaceutical Services/Senior Pharmaceutical Specialist - MCPSB/02/2025/283 - JG 'R'

Machakos, Kenya

Terms of Service: Permanent & Pensionable

Allowances as per SRC guidelines


Duties and Responsibilities

i.        Setting up and running poison information centers

ii.      Conducting research and dissemination of the findings on medicine utilization

iii.    Assessing and evaluating research proposals involving medicine use

iv.     Analyzing medicines for quality assurance

v.      Coordinating pharmaceutical services in public health programs

vi.     Monitoring and evaluating effectiveness of medicine therapy

vii.   Facilitating detention, prevention response and provision of information on global public health crisis as per the international Health Regulations

viii. Preparing work/strategies plans and supervising and training staff.


Requirement for Appointment

For appointment to this grade an officer Must have;

i.        Served in the position of a deputy director for a period of 3 years.

ii.      Bachelor of Pharmacy (B Pharm) degree from an institution recognized by the Pharmacy and Poisons board

iii.    Masters’ degree in any of the following: Pharmaceutical Policy Analysis and formulation pharmacognosy and Complimentary Medicine, Toxicology Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacovigilance, Pharmaco-epidemiology, medicines Supplies Management, Medicines Regulations, Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances control, Pharmaceutics, pharmacology and Therapeutics, Pharmaceutical analysis, Tropical and infectious diseases, medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry, industrial pharmacy, health systems management, pharmaceutical care, health informatics, health economics, epidemiology, biostatics, medical statics, drug design and development, clinical trials, quality assurance, radio pharmacy, public Health, microbiology or molecular pharmacology from an institution recognized by the Pharmacy and Poisons board.

iv.     Certificate of Registration as a Pharmacist by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board

v.      Valid practicing license

vi.     Certificate of Computer application skills from a recognized institution and

vii.   demonstrated professional competence and managerial capability.

Applications must be received on or before 26th February 2025 by 5:00pm. Any applications tendered later than the above date and time will not be able to upload.

County Government of Machakos is an equal opportunity employer: Women, Persons with disabilities and other disadvantaged groups are encouraged to apply.