Assistant Director of Medical Engineering Services - MCPSB/02/2025/289 - JG 'P'
Terms of Service: Permanent & Pensionable
Allowances as per SRC guidelines
Duties and Responsibilities
i. Carrying out health technology assessments
ii. Preparing and disseminating reports specifications for procurement of appropriate medical equipment
iii. Developing and implementing medical engineering programs and projects
iv. Supervising technology medical equipment/plant and furniture
v. Coordinating medical engineering work in a health facility
vi. Undertaking research in medical engineering technologies
vii. Coordinating preparation and implementation of planned preventive maintenance schedule (PPM0
viii. Providing input in designing health facilities and appropriate medical engineering technologies
ix. Maintaining a data base of information on medical engineering services
x. Supporting e-health and tele-medicine technology
xi. Training users on use and maintenance of medical equipment
xii. Preparing periodic reports
xiii. Preparing work plans
xiv. Coaching and mentoring staff
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer Must have:
i. Served in the grade of Principal Medical Engineering Services, for a minimum period of three (3) years;
ii. Bachelor’s degree in any of the following fields; Medical Engineering, Control and Instrumentation, Industrial Technology (Medical Engineering option), Clinical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication, Mechanical Engineering, Electronic Engineering or any other equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
iii. Master’s Degree in any of the following fields: Medical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Health Care Management, Project Management or any other equivalent qualifications from a recognized institution (added advantage)
iv. Certificate in Senior Management Course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution.
v. Certificate in Computer Applications Skills from a recognized institution
Demonstrated professional competence and ability for the position.
Applications must be received on or before 26th February 2025 by 5:00pm. Any applications tendered later than the above date and time will not be able to upload.
County Government of Machakos is an equal opportunity employer: Women, Persons with disabilities and other disadvantaged groups are encouraged to apply.